Thursday, June 14, 2012


People have been arguing about trolling means the same thing as griefing.
Most people don't think that, but I just want to get the facts straight.


Trolling usually is harmless, annoying and makes people go 'WHAT THE HECK?'
It can be confusing, annoying, funny, and (as I said) 'WHAT THE HECK?'
EX. of trolling: You're using mob disguise, disguised as a chicken.
You are following someone. Punching them to get their attention.
They're saying "WHAT THE HECK? why is this chicken following me!?!?1?!?1"
That is trolling.


Griefing just sucks. Sometimes people record it, such as Avo or Icanhasgrief.
It's torturing people who worked on the server their griefing.
EX. of griefing: You're a griefer. You have 2 stacks of TNT and you spot the owner's house.
You can't resist. You place it all around and inside the house. Then one touch of flint and steel and
the house is gone.

The Difference

There is a huge difference. Trolling is harmless, but annoying.
Griefing is harmful, and amusing, to Avo and their fanboys.
Sometimes griefers only grief bad server, like admin abuser servers.
I do admit, I do watch some griefing videos.
But I don't grief.


Here is a trolling video, by Machinima.
Here is a griefing video, by Icanhasgrief.

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